-PTI Slamming Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan for asking the Centre to give green nod to the first phase of the controversial Lavasa project, Anna Hazare has accused him of violating his oath of office. Hazare and social activist Medha Patkar, who heads the 'Jan Andolan' against the Lavasa project near here, have written a letter to Chavan on November 7, taking strong objection to his comments on the issue. "It is strange...
Lavasa Corp officials face 5 years in jail
-The Times of India The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) on Friday filed a criminal complaint against Lavasa Corporation and 15 people, including nine directors and six senior officials, for alleged violation of environmental laws. Sources in the ministry of environment and forests said that with this final pre-condition for clearance met by the Maharashtra government, the Centre would soon clear the project allowing work to continue on the first phase of...
More »Toilet fiat kicks up stench in schools by ASRP Mukesh
Government officials went gaga in schools over Global Handwashing Day on October 15, but the Supreme Court ruling on October 18 that directed all states to come up with permanent toilets in every cradle by December 31, 2011, has left them cold. Why? The first they knew was tokenism. The second is a Herculean task. There are no functional toilets in more than half of Jharkhand’s 40,000 government schools. The apex court bench...
More »Green nod for Lavasa on cards
-The Times of India With the Bombay high court making it clear that it would grant no further extension to the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) for passing the final order on Lavasa, Ajit Gulabchand, chief of Hindustan Construction Company (HCC), now hopes of a green clearance. "We hope the MoEF will issue the order giving environment clearance by November 10," Gulabchand said on Tuesday. The additional solicitor general had informed the...
More »Lavasa action ‘in 2 weeks’
-The Telegraph The Maharashtra government said it would take “credible action” against the Lavasa township project after Bombay High Court today told it to “make its stand clear”. The state government has said it will take action in two weeks. Building work was stopped in November last year when the Union environment ministry showcaused Lavasa Corporation for starting construction without its clearance. On June 10 this year, the ministry imposed five conditions that...
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