-The Times of India The central government has spent Rs 9,093 crore on building about 1.8 crore toilets across the country under the Swachh Bharat Mission since October 2014. This is because Prime Minister Modi has made the drive a priority. The mission also envisages a cleaner India at large, although this part of the plan is hazy. The question that arises now is — how is this frenzy of toilet-building changing...
How unequal is access to education? -Manas Chakravarty
-Livemint.com Have inequalities in educational access in India diminished in recent times? An NSSO survey offers some clues Education has for long been the key to moving up the economic and social ladder. There can be no equality of opportunity without access to quality education. Have inequalities in educational access in India diminished in recent times? The National Sample Survey Organisation’s (NSSO) most recent survey on education (71st round) conducted during...
More »Chained to debt in life and death -A Narayanamoorthy and P Alli
-The Hindu Business Line The only way this story of the Indian farmer will change is if policymakers ensure better remuneration for them The peasant (in India) is born in debt, lives in debt, dies in debt and bequeaths debt. This is what Sir Malcolm Darling, a famous British researcher and writer, wrote in 1925 after studying the condition of undivided Punjab’s peasants. Had Darling been alive today he would have rephrased his...
More »Modern day Slaves -Jayashri Ramesh Sundaram
-HardNewsMedia.com The plight of domestic workers goes unnoticed even today Delhi: Ever thought why corporates or media houses made you work for peanuts? If you did, I am sure you must have wondered when a hike in your salary would match your skills and experience. What perhaps goes unnoticed is the plight of the domestic worker. What will your domestic worker do in her case? In most cases they do not have...
More »Yes to a government college, but no to government schools -Dipti Jain
-Livemint.com NSSO report shows that private schools are preferred over government schools due to better quality education New Delhi: While presenting the budget for Delhi last month, finance minister Manish Sisodia announced an expenditure of Rs.102 crore on training of teachers and principals in the new fiscal year. This was just Rs.9.4 crore last year. Sisodia said his aim was to bring government schools to world class standards in Delhi. While...
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