-PTI CHANDIGARH: Onion prices continued to hover around Rs 60 per kg across retail markets in Punjab and Haryana, while peas jumped to Rs 80-100 per kg. After witnessing a steep hike from Rs 30 per kg a fortnight back, onion prices have been hovering around Rs 60 per kg for the past few days, traders said today. They said it was not just the price of onion, which was in short supply...
Government seeks to woo Nitish with new backward state measure
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: An expert committee under chief economic advisor Raghuram Rajan has identified 10 parameters for a new Composite Development Index, whose adoption by the Centre will change the way thousands of crores are transferred annually and can potentially set the stage for realignment of political forces in Bihar before the 2014 polls. The new index seeks to rate states on the basis of their distance from the...
More »Direct benefit transfer scheme for LPG to be extended to 35 more districts-Sujay Mehdudia
-The Hindu Following good response to the LPG direct benefit transfer scheme, the Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry on Monday decided to extend it to 35 more districts from September 1, taking the total coverage to 55 districts. The scheme had met with considerable success in the 20 districts it was launched. Under the scheme, consumers get their subsidy directly in their bank accounts. The decision to include 35 more districts would...
More »High stakes, mega bucks fuel illegal ‘dig-load-sell’ sand business -Surojit Gupta
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Humble sand is today big business. The boom in the construction industry in the last decade has triggered a huge demand for sand, to meet which contractors, with the help of pliant state officials, have begun a dig-load-sell exercise at a frantic pace. The story of illegal loot of sand in this high-stake business is repeated in state after state. TOI spoke to several officials, activists,...
More »The devil is in the detail-Reetika Khera
-The Hindu Per capita entitlements under the food security bill will not cover beneficiaries as comprehensively as household entitlements The government hopes to secure in this session of Parliament, approval for the National Food Security Bill (NFSB) so that it can replace the food security ordinance. The NFSB, on which the ordinance is based, guarantees supplementary nutrition services through anganwadis for all children under six, midday meals for schoolchildren, and, very importantly, maternity...
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