-Hindustan Times The Centre on Wednesday hiked the minimum support price for pulses by up to Rs 275 a quintal for the year and also approved an increase of Rs 50 in MSP for paddy. The MSP for paddy will now be Rs 1,410 per quintal. Hikes in MSP are known to help farmers, which in turn can incentivise them and boost their overall agricultural output. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA)...
Haryana: Poor monsoon predictions worry paddy growers -Neeraj Mohan
-Hindustan Times Rohtak: The meteorological (Met) department's prediction of below-average rainfall this year between June and September has raised the concern among paddy growers in the state, who are already reeling under crop losses due to the unseasonal rainfall, which has damaged the rabi crops. The prediction of poor rainfall will not only affect the farmers, but also rice production in the state, as according to the figures given by the state...
More »Hike in kharif support price on Cabinet agenda -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard Govt takes stock of pulses situation in wake of weak rains The Cabinet might discuss increasing the minimum support price (MSP) of kharif crop for the 2015-16 season at a meeting expected to be held on Wednesday. Officials said the Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices (CACP) had recommended Rs 50 a quintal increase in paddy MSP for the 2015-16 season and the agriculture ministry favoured this. But a higher increase of...
More »Monsoon in India: Rain deficit to hit several crops -Banikinkar Pattanayak
-The Financial Express The Narendra Modi government has pledged to employ all machinery at its disposal to deal with a second straight year of deficient monsoon. The Narendra Modi government has pledged to employ all machinery at its disposal to deal with a second straight year of deficient monsoon and denied an impending distress in the vulnerable pockets of the country, but a dispassionate look at the ground situation would show there...
More »Woes of the farmer -Jaydev Jana
-The Statesman Agriculture is the source of livelihood for nearly 700 million people in India, representing a huge workforce. More than half the GDP of the rural economy is based on agriculture. It is not just a profession but a traditional occupation, a way of life. Agriculture is characterised by small and fragmented land holdings. Small (up to one hectare of land) and marginal (more than one ha and up to 2...
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