-The Hindu Business Line In Himachal Pradesh, the scheme comes as a breather to those who lost their jobs Nand Lal was working in an electronics company at Parwanoo, an industrial town in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh, when the first lockdown was announced, in March. He had no choice but to come back to Surah, his village in the Murhag panchayat of Mandi district. Since then, he has already worked for 56...
Madhya Pradesh govt’s employment initiative for migrant workers falls flat, private players show little interest -Ranjan
-Hindustan Times The state government launched ‘Rozgar Setu’ web portal on June 10 to bring the migrant labourers and employers/job providers on a common platform so that the latter could choose the workforce as per their requirement. Bhopal: Nearly 5 percent of 7.30 lakh migrant labourers have got jobs and the biggest employers of these 35,000 odd labourers are village panchayats, not the private sector, shows Madhya Pradesh government’s data. The state government...
More »The Right Time to Speak of Housing Rights in India is Right Now -Sushmita Pati
-TheWire.in In India, the housing justice question has not really been picked up by any civil society activism. Could the migrants' crisis following the lockdown lead to a Wall Street moment? The pandemic has revealed all kinds of crisis across the world. Some directly triggered by COVID-19, and some not so. The question of livelihood, of lost employment has been the most threatening. But the pandemic has also revealed another crisis simmering below...
More »The COVID-19 fiscal response and India’s standing -Amit Basole and Jonathan Coutinho
-The Hindu The relief measures do not seem to be commensurate with the economic disruption caused by the lockdown How does India compare in the quantity and quality of its COVID-19 response to other developing countries? Here we extend our earlier analysis of India’s fiscal response (The Hindu online, “India must enhance fiscal support for COVID-19 relief and rebuilding”, April 18, 2020) drawing on the International Monetary Fund Policy Tracker, the COVID-19...
More »The Unequal Effects of the Covid-19 Crisis on the Labour Market -Radhicka Kapoor
-TheIndiaForum.in The unequal labour market in India would have seen a widening of disparities after Covid-19 struck. Those at the bottom, with few skills, limited education & without security, would have been affected the most; they are the ones in immediate need of support. The widespread loss of jobs and incomes following the dual shocks of the pandemic and the lockdown have generated much concern. What is particularly worrying is that the...
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