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The land challenge underlying India's farm crisis -Vishnu Padmanabhan With shrinking farm sizes and lack of accurate land records, farmers find it difficult to generate enough income to provide for their households From farm subsidies to farm loan waivers, the Indian Government spends crores on farmer welfare, but these efforts will be inadequate unless they can tackle an increasingly daunting barrier: lack of land. The provisional figures from the latest agriculture census reveals how land—the most critical input for agriculture—is...

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Crop burning: Why are Punjab farmers defying Government ban -Jitendra

-Down to Earth Farmers struggle to decompose paddy straw in absence of adequate machines It is 11:30 am. A gypsy, with two loudspeakers mounted on it, takes a U-turn (on NH 7 at Chano) and enters Kalajhar village in Sangrur district of Punjab. As it enters, it starts announcing to the farmers in the village to gather at the outskirts and set the crop residue on fire. Such announcement is a sharp...

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Unease of doing business makes $26-billion US giant Flex look out of India

-The Economic Times Last year, India jumped 30 places ahead in World Bank's Ease of Doing Business rankings, powered by numerous reforms introduced by the Government. Even though the Government is focused on making India an attractive destination for foreign companies, the situation on the ground may not be as 'easy' as it seems. Caught in red tape, an American manufacturing giant has threatened to leave India for Malaysia. The $26-billion Flex,...

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Beat the queue at airports, railway stations by being honest in paying income tax The Income Tax department is in the process of chalking out a new policy which will reward taxpayers who are not only honest but also consistent in filing ITRs. The rewards could include priority access at airports and railway stations. New Delhi: Want to beat the queue at airports, railway stations and toll gates on highways? Filing your income tax returns (ITR) honestly and consistently every year on time can be...

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'We cannot order everyone to be vegetarian,' Supreme Court tells petitioners Two non-Governmental organisations had urged the court to ban export of meat for consumption and leather. The Supreme Court on Friday rebuked petitioners who sought a ban on the export of meat for consumption and leather, asking him if everyone in the country should become vegetarian, Live Law reported. “Do you want the entire country to be full of vegetarians?” Justice Madan B Lokur asked non-Governmental organisations Healthy Wealthy Ethical World and...

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