-The Hindu Unsustainable import competition and the end of the investment subsidy that the sale of under-priced resources provided to Indian companies are the main reasons why the economy has slowed down What has been called the ‘golden age’ of India’s economic growth was underpinned by global integration, high rates of investment and savings growth and low current account deficits. The slowdown is characterised by a sharp deceleration in investment growth on...
Dogged with corruption, drug regulation is in poor health and ineffective-Khomba Singh
-The Economic Times It's not just the drug regulator, where a parliamentary panel has alleged corruption, failing in its job. Drug regulation across entities that dot this broad Landscape is in poor health and ineffective. In May, when a Parliamentary panel, during a routine examination of healthcare regulatory bodies, alleged corruption in the approval of new drugs, it was merely pointing out one symptom. Such symptoms pervade the entire drug regulation Landscape,...
More »RTI Act in school books soon
-The Deccan Herald School children may now get exposure to the basics of the Right to Information Act with the National Council for Educational Research Training (NCERT) examining a suggestion for inclusion of the Landmark law in the school curriculum. The suggestion has been made by the Department of Personnel and Training which is a nodal agency for the matters relating to implementation of the RTI Act.“We are discussing it. The basics...
More »Jharkhand People's Party to take tribal crusade to President-B Sridhar
-The Times of India JAMSHEDPUR: The stand-off between the tribal people of Nagri village and the state government over acquisition of Land for construction of educational institution is to reach the President of India with JharkhandPeople's Party (JPP) calling for a March to Delhi on July 22. Former legislator and founder president of the JPP Surya Singh Besra has announced to lead a delegation to the national capital on July 22 to...
More »Unleash The Good Force-EN Rammohan
Implement Land ceiling acts and enforce fifth and ninth schedule Radical left-wing resistance to the State has been festering in India since 1946, when the Communist Party of India began working in north Bengal and Telangana among Landless scheduled castes and tribes who worked for a pittance in the Lands of the upper-caste Landowners in these areas. The root causes of this problem lie in the pernicious caste system of our...
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