-Live Mint As a democracy matures, citizens become more willing to trust elected representatives to plan and take steps for the long-term growth and development One common complaint during this election has been that the election commission (EC) has to be consulted before the government and its regulatory agencies take any routine decision. Decisions relating to gas price hikes and bank licences all had to be cleared by the EC, whose over...
42% of urban, 60% of rural Indian houses getting contaminated water: Study -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India Sometimes, a shard of reality can raise serious doubts about what looks like a grand feat. A small study of water samples from urban and rural households declared as getting drinking water from "improved" sources has shown that about 42% of urban and 60% of rural households were actually getting contaminated water. About half of the surveyed anganwadis where small children and pregnant mothers were taken care...
More »Employment Trends among Religious Communities of India-Sunita Sanghi and A Srija
-Economic and Political Weekly Looking at the National Sample Survey Office Data on employment and unemployment by major religious groups, this article finds that the Muslim community remains worse-off compared to all other religious groups on almost all indicators. It is argued that to reap the "demographic dividend", Indian policymakers and administrators will have to proactively implement at least existing social welfare programmes, particularly those that are related to school education. Sunita...
More »New evidence of suicide epidemic among India’s ‘marginalized’ farmers -Manash Pratim Gohain
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Latest statistical research finds strong causal links between areas with the most suicides and areas where impoverished farmers are trying to grow crops that suffer from wild price fluctuations due to India's relatively recent shift to free market economics. A new study has found that India's shocking rates of suicide are highest in areas with the most debt-ridden farmers who are clinging to tiny smallholdings...
More »Haunted by inflation
-The Hindu Price rise is one of the key issues in this election, and the latest Data on inflation spell bad news for the incumbent UPA government; the monster is rearing its head again after lying low over the last three months. Retail inflation, specifically food price inflation, has rebounded in March on the back of rising prices of vegetables and fruits. Wholesale food prices rose 9.9 per cent with rice...
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