-Frontline.in The death of nearly 60 children in Gorakhpur because of the unavailability of oxygen can be directly attributed to the larger issue of drastic reduction in budgetary allocations for and the gross neglect of the public health system. THE death of almost 60 children, including infants, in the government-run Baba Raghav Das Medical College Hospital in Gorakhpur within a span of 48 hours raises several issues relating to the state...
Downturn in India's growth 'very worrying': Kaushik Basu
-PTI Washington: Basu said from 2003 to 2011, India was growing typically over 8 per cent per annum. The year of global crisis, 2008, it dropped briefly to 6.8 per cent, but over 8 per cent growth had become the new norm for India. The downturn in India’s growth is “very worrying”, World Bank’s former chief economist Kaushik Basu said, underscoring that this is the “hefty PRIce” the country had to pay...
More »Taking stock of the Indian Economy: Consumption key to GDP growth
-Livemint.com Nine charts that sketch the anatomy of the slowdown in India’s economic growth and look ahead The Indian economy’s growth in the June quarter, 5.7%, has been worse than expected. Economists expect the current quarter to see much higher growth. But how significant is the slowdown? And how sharp will the recovery be? Here are nine charts that sketch the anatomy of the slowdown and look ahead: Chart 1 shows the depth...
More »Economy outlook still cloudy -Ajit Ranade
-The Hindu An immediate stimulus is needed to regain the momentum to get India back to 8% growth The government’s move this past week to publish economic data for the APRIl to June quarter of this year needs a look. The real growth of GDP, i.e. after removing the impact of inflation, was only 5.7%, much lower than expected. For the past six consecutive quarters, the growth rate has gone down steadily,...
More »Demonetisation: The chronicle of a failure foretold -C Rammanohar Reddy
-Scroll.in Because the exercise was doomed to fail in its PRImary objective of rooting out black money, the government kept changing its aims. We have travelled a long way from November 8, 2016, when PRIme Minister Narendra Modi told us that the black money held in Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes would become “worthless pieces of paper”. Now, we are told by the finance ministry that the government expected...
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