-The Times of India The government is set to accept the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council's recommendation to cover 75% rural and 50% urban population under a food security law, but wants to keep the percentages outside the language of the Act itself. UPA-2 is inclined to set the percentage of population covered in a notification or schedule accompanying the Act so that it can be revised by executive order...
Food law delay talks grow as political differences persist by Prabha Jagannathan
The food ministry seems to have given up the hope of seeing the Food Security Bill passed into a law this financial year. But the delay in the rollout of one of the government's most ambitious welfare schemes will surely bring joy to mandarins at the North Block , who have been battling to rein in the government's expenditure. The food security law, which envisages subsidized grains for at least...
More »Land acquisition Act: NAC writ does not run
-The Business Standard A major blow was delivered to the National Advisory Council’s capacity to intervene in decisionmaking by the government with the Ministry of Rural development sticking to the formulation that if a private company wants to set up industry, it must buy 70 per cent of the land itself. All that the state government will do is buy for the investor, 30 per cent of the land, that...
More »Lighting up rural India by STR Team
-The Business Standard A young entrepreneur with an engineering degree from India’s premier engineering school and a postgraduate degree from the US’s finest technical school develops an innovative service aimed at ameliorating the energy utility situation in rural India. In 1995, he co-founds SELCO India, which provides customised energy solutions based on each household’s requirements. It facilitates low-income rural households to secure financing help from local financial institutions. Read how...
More »Food Security Bill will be brought to Parliament shortly
-News on Air The Food Security Bill finalised by the National Advisory Council will be brought to Parliament shortly for approval. The draft Bill entitles 75 percent of the population to highly subsidised food grains. It provides for people living Below Povery Line getting rice at three rupees a kilogram and wheat at two rupees a kilogram. The Bill proposes that general households will have the right to 20 kilograms...
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