As the Prime Minister hands out the first official AADHAAR numbers in the tribal district of Nandurbar on Wednesday, civil society activists in the capital are questioning the very basis of the ambitious Unique Identification (UID) scheme. “Even basic procedures have not been followed before launching such a massive project,” said Usha Ramanathan, an expert in law, poverty and civil rights. “The people of India, as well as Parliamentarians need to...
Cheat slur on GM experts
India’s six science academies have certified genetically modified brinjal as safe through a report whose largest section is plagiarised from a biotechnology propaganda newsletter, a coalition of non-government organisations has said. The six science academies have in a report submitted to the Union environment ministry argued that GM brinjal appeared safe but recommended a limited release, calling for post-marketing surveillance for health effects if any. But a coalition of environmental groups today...
More »Decision on Posco’s Orissa project next mth
A decision on South Korean steel major Posco’s project in Orissa is likely to be taken soon after the environment ministry appointed committee submits its report on October 11. Work on Posco’s Rs 54,0000-crore project in Jagatsinghpur was suspended following a stop-work order by the environment ministry in August. "The panel has almost finalised its report and will submit it to the ministry on October 11. It will be then discussed by...
More »ABIDe group to review RTE Act implementation
Agenda for Bengaluru Infrastructure and Development (ABIDe) has formed a working group to review and discuss implementation of the Right To Education (RTE) Act. The working group will initially consist of MP and convener of ABIDe task force, Rajeev Chandrasekhar; managing trustee of Admya Chetana, Tejaswini Ananth Kumar; ABIDe task force member Ashwin Mahesh; and chief mentor, Sikshana foundation, E S Ramamurthy. Few more members will join the group shortly. The working...
More »Global targets, local ingenuity
In ten years, the living conditions of the poor have been improving—but not necessarily because of the UN’s goals EVEN at 70, Jiyem, an Indonesian grandmother, gets up in the small hours to cook and collect firewood for her impoverished household. Her three-year-old grandson is malnourished. Nobody in her family has ever finished primary school. Her ramshackle house lacks electricity; the toilet is a hole in the ground; the family...
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