Total Matching Records found : 5631

GMO Crops: A Few Questians to the Genetic Engineering by Sailendra Nath Ghosh

In April last year, the Supreme Court, in response to a public interest litigation filed by the Gene Campaign (whose convenor is the internationally known geneticist Dr Suman Sahai), directed the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) to consider the toxicity and allergenicity of GM crops and to post the relevant material on the web so that independent experts could examine these. The Supreme Court asked the GEAC to study also...

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Poverty could mitigate crime, even murder: SC by Dhananjay Mahapatra

The law is supposed to be enforced uniformly, and without sorting the guilty on the basis of their economic and social background. On Monday, however, the Supreme Court said that economic status of a murder convict needs to be taken into account to determine whether he should be awarded death penalty or life sentence even in respect of offences falling in the "rarest of rare" category. In an order that...

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West Bengal govt announces reservation for Muslims in govt jobs

On a day when the Andhra Pradesh High Court struck down job reservation for Muslims, the West Bengal government on Monday announced 10 per cent quota in employment for the community under the OBC category. The state government declared the quota for the Muslims who were educationally, socially and economically backward in the state. "We have decided to accept the recommendations of the Ranganath Mishra Commission and will take steps...

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The Cross Of Courage by Tusha Mittal

THEY DARED TO DO THEIR DUTY: THEY HAVE BEEN KILLED AND HARASSED FOR IT. PERHAPS THERE is a reason why Sanjiv Chaturvedi’s journey begins in the small dusty town of Kurukshetra, for his story is as epic a battle between good and evil, his journey as much a pursuit of dharma. Only, he is the sole Pandava on this battlefront, and he is the one who called the war. It was...

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Delhi High Court makes public assets of judges

All the judges of the Delhi High Court led by Chief Justice A. P. Shah on Friday made their assets and investments public by uploading the details on the Court’s website. Before these details were uploaded, each judge submitted the details of his or her assets to the Chief Justice. The asset details include properties in the judge’s name or in the name of his/her spouse or his/her dependant family members. A...

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