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Housing apartheid flourishes in Delhi-Sowmiya Ashok & Mohammad Ali

-The Hindu Finding a home to rent in India's national capital is an arduous task for anyone - but, an investigation by The Hindu has found, almost impossible for citizens who happen to be Muslim. Homeowners and property dealers contacted by reporters often firmed up deals, only to be disqualified as soon as they revealed their religion. Housing apartheid was at its worst in New Delhi’s most affluent and educated neighbourhoods: New...

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India’s IT powerhouse is mired in social prejudice-Sudipto Mondal

-The Hindu THE SUNDAY STORY The property and real estate sections of free advertisement-only newspapers offer the best insight. Most advertisements titled ‘for vegetarians only’ were from areas such as Jayanagar, Basavangudi and Malleshwaram.   In the last 30 years, his firm has helped thousands of people find properties of their choice. He is one of the biggest names in the highly competitive real estate industry of Bangalore. Fardeen Ahmed (name changed)...

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Land allergy bites Bengal’s magic pill called PPP-Pranesh Sarkar

-The Telegraph The Bengal government’s hands-off stand on Land has found its way into its PPP policy, the public-private partnership mantra that was supposed to neutralise adversities and make the state attractive for investors. The new triple-P policy, notified by the state finance department on June 21, makes it clear the state government cannot acquire Land for private investors even if they are willing to partner the state in its pet projects. The...

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Nagri Land stand-off hinges on legalities-Suman K Shrivastava

Ranchi: The state government is trying to persuade villagers of Nagri to approach the courts once again to find a solution to the dispute over Land acquisition and compensation that has disrupted construction of campuses for three national institutes of learning, but the tribals are in no mood to relent. Today more than 100 villagers blocked the Ranchi-Patratu road since morning, braving sharp downpours, while the administration deployed over 100 policemen...

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Nagri ire spills over-Raj Kumar

-The Telegraph A day after Land protests rocked Nagri, work at the construction site of three premier educational institutions stalled on Thursday even as villagers demanding “return” of their fertile Land blocked the arterial Ranchi-Patratu road a kilometre away, disrupting Hazaribagh-bound traffic from the capital throughout the day. A 100-strong mob, comprising mostly women, used a crane belonging to a contractor, to block the vital artery from 9am. Even heavy rain failed...

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