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Demonetisation coin falls on Narendra Modi government's head, leaves behind a large bump -Sandipan Sharma The Narendra Modi government seems to have inherited Amitabh Bachchan's famous coin from Sholay. For, whichever way it falls, the government claims it has won. Its latest spin on demonetisation is yet another example of the government's 'heads we win, tails we win' arrogance. But, economy is not cinema. So, don't believe for a moment that the government was expecting almost all of the demonetised currency to return to the Reserve...

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Major pvt. hospitals give handsome commission to doctors & smaller hospitals for referrals: Cobrapost Expose

-Cobrapost Press Release Cobrapost unearths a thriving racket in which all major PRIvate hospitals hand out handsome commission to doctors and smaller hospitals for referrals, at the expense of patients New Delhi: In a long investigation Operation White Coat spanning three mega-cities of Delhi-NCR, Mumbai and Bangalore and covering 20 major PRIvate multi-specialty hospitals, Cobrapost has unearthed a racket of referrals in which these hospitals offer commission ranging between 10 and 30...

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At 5.7%, Q1 GDP growth slumps to 3-year low -KR Srivats

-The Hindu Business Line Uncertainty over GST and related de-stocking hit industrial sector in Q1, says Anant New Delhi: Three key macro-data points released on Thursday presented a worrying picture of the economy, adding credence to the Reserve Bank of India Monetary Policy Committee’s recent fears of slower growth. The keenly-awaited first-quarter GDP growth number came in at 5.7 per cent, a three-year low and far lower than the 7.9 per cent GDP...

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Bihar laggard in toilet mission

-The Telegraph New Delhi: Bihar is among the states with the poorest progress towards open-defecation-free (ODF) targets with some districts requiring 500 toilets every day to meet 2019 goals, according to a report from the non-government Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) released today. The report said Bihar, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, and Jharkhand, accounting for 60 per cent of open defecation, would need to accelerate efforts for India to reach its ODF...

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Central panel says states do not need to hike NREG pay to match minimum wage -Shalini Nair

-The Indian Express A report, prepared by a Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) committee states that wages under the rural employment guarantee scheme were last aligned to minimum wages in 2009, and that “there is no compelling reason to align MGNREGA and states minimum wages again”. New Delhi: THE PANEL for revision of wages under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) has recommended in its final report that there...

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