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Street children see hope in Right To Education Act -Maitreyee Boruah

They were poor. Some of them begged and picked rags on the streets of Bangalore, and some others worked as domestic helps. But their fate changed when the Association for Promoting Social Action (APSA), a Bangalore-based grass-root community development organisation, took notice of their plight and built a school and accommodation facilities for them. However, not all street children are lucky enough to be rescued from the pavements, and many of...

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Street children see hope in Right To Education Act by Maitreyee Boruah

  They were poor. Some of them begged and picked rags on the streets of Bangalore, and some others worked as domestic helps. But their fate changed when the Association for Promoting Social Action (APSA), a Bangalore-based grass-root community development organisation, took notice of their plight and built a school and accommodation facilities for them. However, not all street children are lucky enough to be rescued from the pavements, and many of...

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Categorise students for admission, says Sibal

New Delhi : Unaided schools in the Capital can now heave a sigh of relief. The confusion following the implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act in Delhi regarding screening at the time of admission has finally been cleared out. While the RTE Act does not allow screening of students at the time of admission, Union Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal said that in...

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Categorise students for admission, says Sibal by Maroosha Muzaffar

Unaided schools in the Capital can now heave a sigh of relief. The confusion following the implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act in Delhi regarding screening at the time of admission has finally been cleared out. While the RTE Act does not allow screening of students at the time of admission, Union Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal said that in order to follow...

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Managing the Mass Media by Jayati Ghosh

The Italian-born English poet Humbert Wolfe described the press of his day in the following terms: ''You cannot hope to bribe or twist, Thank God! The British journalist. But seeing what the man will do Unbribed, there’s no occasion to.'' Things have only got worse in this matter in the eighty-odd years since these words were written, and they have probably got worse in many more places. And so the age-old dilemma between freedom of...

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