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Poverty, beyond calories by Savvy Soumya Misra

New method finds India is 9 per cent poorer india is poorer than previously estimated. A revised estimation of poverty for 2004-05 using new methodology showed the number of people below the poverty line was 37.2 per cent and not 28.3 per cent, as estimated earlier. The new estimate took into account expenditure on food, basic health and education, unlike the earlier estimation based on per capita calorie consumption. The inclusions...

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New potatoes to cost less

Patna-based Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) has developed three varieties of potato as a New Year gift for farmers and potato consumers who were hit by the rise in the price of the commodity last year. The CPRI scientists have named the new varieties as kufary suya, pushkar and khyati. These offer better productivity and will be richer in protein and iron. They will have the average level of sugar. The principal...

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Centre unable to say when sugar price will ease by Gargi Parsai

The Centre on Monday partially blamed the ban imposed by the Uttar Pradesh government on processing of raw sugar for the sudden spurt in the sugar price, which had touched Rs. 50 a kg in Delhi markets, but could not say when the situation would ease. Speaking to journalists here, Union Food and Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar said imported raw sugar was lying at the Kandla port for the last...

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Postpone poverty survey

What sets poverty in India apart is the effort that has gone into defining, measuring, recalibrating, contesting, recounting, refining and disputing its magnitude, nature and, at least, in the case of one protagonist, existence. This exegesis on poverty has been captured in a World Bank volume, The Great Indian Poverty Debate, published before the latest estimates by Prof Suresh Tendulkar kicked off yet another round of heated discussion on the...

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Lesser wheat acreage due to late sowing this season by Gargi Parsai

The government’s expectation of the rabi wheat crop making good the shortfall in the drought-affected kharif season has received a setback with a lower acreage in wheat, coarse cereals and oilseeds this season. The sowing of pulses, however, is 6.2 per cent higher than last year in the corresponding period. The sowing period ends around January 15. The sowing of rabi wheat, coarse cereals and oilseeds has fallen behind last year,...

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