-Tehelka In these times of agrarian distress, NK Bhoopesh revisits the ‘revolution’ that changed Indian agriculture The growing number of farmer suicides across the country has punched holes in the dominant narrative of India’s rise as a global economic power articulated ad nauseum by big business, mainstream politicians and the corporate media. It has also put a question mark on another familiar tale: that the green revolution introduced in the 1960s was...
Watch What Happens When Tribal Women Manage India’s Forests -Manipadma Jena
-IPS News NAYAGARH (IPS): Kama Pradhan, a 35-year-old tribal woman, her eyes intent on the glowing screen of a hand-held GPS device, moves quickly between the trees. Ahead of her, a group of men hastens to clear away the brambles from stone pillars that stand at scattered intervals throughout this dense forest in the Nayagarh district of India’s eastern Odisha state. The heavy stone markers, laid down by the British 150 years...
More »Food Security Act to Be Adopted by 90% States by June: Paswan
-Outlook Kolkata: The Food Security Act will be adopted by 90 per cent of the States by June this year, Union Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution minister Ram Vilas Paswan informed today. "Currently, some 11 States had adopted the Food Security Act and by June, 90 per cent of the States will adopt it," he said. West Bengal has begun implementing the Act by introducing it in South Dinajpur district and it...
More »40% of India still banks on monsoon for agriculture -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India In the 21st century, why does the forecast of a deficient monsoon send the same ripple of fear through India as it would 5,000 years ago? The short answer is that for almost 40% of the population, agriculture has not changed — it is still dependent on the "rain god", or the South-West monsoon as it is known today. Here are the facts: about 46% of India's net...
More »Scramble to salvage data from sensors -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Scientists are now scrambling to retrieve whatever data they can from a network of 293 ground motion sensors in cities and towns across northern and eastern India that was offline and cut off from the research community during the Nepal earthquakes. The National Centre for Seismology (NCS) under the earth sciences ministry will send a team to retrieve any records of ground acceleration from instruments in Uttarakhand, while...
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