-SciDev.net * Most children of housekeeping staff in an Indian hospital found to have low nutrition levels * India’s officially defined poverty-line needs to be revised say nutrition researchers * Nurses tended to have overweight children while the kids of doctors were found to be normal NEW delhi: A pilot study of nutrition status among children in a hospital community in the Indian capital suggests that the national poverty threshold, as defined by a...
Millions of farmers don’t have safeguards against climate change impact -Chetan Chauhan
-Hindustan Times The impact of climate change on India’s agriculture is more evident than ever before, but millions of small and marginal farmers do not have adequate safeguards, said a study released on Friday. The country’s farm sector is considered highly vulnerable to shifts in weather patterns as half of the cropland is dependent on rainfall, drawing around 60% of the farmers to the core of the climate-proofing debate. Climate change increases frequency...
More »Rs 20k crore worth crops lost due to February-April unseasonal rains: Report
-PTI NEW delhi: Farmers have lost more than 10 million tonnes of rabi crops, valued at above Rs 20,000 crore, due to unseasonal rainfall and hailstorm in February-April this year, CSE said in a report. India may have to import 10 lakh tonnes of wheat in 2015-16 as about 68.2 lakh tonnes were lost due to unseasonal rainfall, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) said in its report, titled 'Lived Anomaly'. In...
More »Rural distress worsens across India -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com Telangana 9th state to declare drought, adding to the agrarian crisis and posing a threat to the rural economy New delhi: Telangana has declared a drought in parts of the state, becoming the ninth state this year to do so, highlighting the agrarian crisis that could cause a likely fall in the production of rain-fed crops such as pulses, oilseeds and cotton, and result in a further slowing of the...
More »Rural Distress: Back-to-back drought adds to the woes -Sahil Makkar, Sanjeeb Mukherjee & Nirmalya Behera
-Business Standard The well-irrigated states of Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka, western Uttar Pradesh and coastal states such as Odisha are, for the first time, feeling the effects of a poor monsoon Bhopal/ New delhi/ Bhubaneshwar: Farmers are faced with a multitude of problems. Cotton and basmati rice growers in Punjab and sugarcane farmers in west UP are under stress due to the non-payment of insurance and state compensation. Growers in Odisha, Madhya Pradesh,...
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