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Cancer claims educationist-activist Vinod Raina

-The Hindu     RTE proponent's condition deteriorated last week; he died at a Delhi hospital on Thursday Educationist Vinod Raina, who died of cancer here on Thursday, was one of the key architects of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. He was member of the expert group on ‘Monitoring of Child Rights in Education' set up by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and a sitting...

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World saved some 90 million children but likely to miss global target, UN agency reports

-The United Nations Global and national efforts to end preventable deaths of children under-five years of age saved some 90 million lives in the past two decades, but at the current rate, a universal promise to reduce child mortality by two-thirds by 2015 will not be reached, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) reported today. "Yes, we should celebrate the progress," said Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director. "But how can we celebrate...

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Let's All Come To The Party-Anjali Bhardwaj, Amrita Johri and Shekhar Singh

-Outlook Transparency promotes democracy, more the reason for political parties to come under RTI Act's purview There was great public outrage when legislators in Mumbai beat up an assistant police inspector because he stopped an MLA's car for speeding on the Bandra-Worli sealink. The sentiment was: What arrogance! How can lawmakers have so little respect for the laws they themselves made? How­ever, the amendment in Parliament aimed at removing political parties...

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Ahead of elections, Centre goes soft on MPLAD rules -Chetan Chauhan

-The Hindustan Times As the general election nears, the government has allowed Members of Parliament (MPs) more flexibility in utilising their local area development fund. They can now install solar lights at public places, build public infrastructure in cooperative societies and buy furniture for schools. Every parliamentarian gets Rs. 5 crore every year as Member of Parliament Local Area development (MPLAD) Fund to carry out developmental works in his or her constituency....

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Bangla migration to India largest in developing world -Kounteya Sinha

-The Times of India LONDON: The exodus from Bangladeshis into India has for the first time been termed by the United Nations as "the single largest bilateral stock of international migrants" in the eastern hemisphere and also in the developing world. Data revealed on Thursday by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) shows that in 2013, India was home to 3.2 million Bangladeshi residents who had migrated into the...

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