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Set up varsity safety panels: UGC committee by Aarti Dhar

For proper handling of radioactive, and other hazardous materials VCs must send duly signed reports Cobalt-60 isotope mishandled by Delhi University With a view to ensuring that the guidelines of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) and the Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules are strictly implemented, a UGC expert committee has suggested the setting up of university committees to review safety in handling radioactive and other hazardous materials used by the institutions. The...

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Orissa: Child rights body calls on stake holder to expedite RTE execution

Chairperson of National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) Santa Sihna on Sunday called upon the Orissa Government, civil society and all the stakeholders including children to play a key role in aiding the commission so as to bring changes in lives of each and every child through Right to education (RTE). Attending a State level convention jointly organised by NCPCR and Orissa Alliance on Convention on rights of the...

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RTE Act ignores children from minority groups, say activists by Maitreyee Boruah

Members of various NGOs and child rights activists, working for free, compulsory and quality education for underprivileged children, on Thursday lamented the fact that formulators and writers of the Right to education (RTE) Act had failed to include children belonging to diverse minority groups. At a state-level training for various stakeholders on the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory education Act, 2009 — also known as RTE Act — activists...

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RTE implementation at snail's pace in state

Even five months after the introduction of Right to education (RTE) Act, the state government seems to have done little to implement it. While the RTE timeline states that within six months of introduction of the Act, the student-teacher ratio should be set right and grievance committees in schools be constituted, the state government has not done either of these. The state government has also not constituted the Right to...

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Reforms helped UP Dalits, says study by Pallavi Singh

Economic liberalization since the 1990s has helped Dalits in Uttar Pradesh (UP) overcome caste inequalities, according to a research paper that argues against the view that reforms have exacerbated such disparities. The study by Devesh Kapur, Chandra Bhan Prasad, Lant Pritchett and Shyam Babu titled “Rethinking Inequality: Dalits in Uttar Pradesh in the Market Reform Era”, and excerpted last week in the Economic and Political Weekly, finds significant changes in patterns...

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