The Supreme Court criticises the Chhattisgarh and Central governments and orders the disbanding of Salwa Judum. THE case Nandini Sundar vs State of Chhattisgarh arose out of a writ petition (civil) filed in 2007 in the Supreme Court by Nandini Sundar, a Professor of sociology at the Delhi School of Economics; Ramachandra Guha, a historian; and E.A.S. Sarma, former Secretary to Government of India and former Commissioner, Tribal Welfare, Government...
In 10 years, urban Indian women's average income doubles by Samidha Sharma & Namrata Singh
Reinforcing the growing financial independence of women in India, a survey says the income level of urban Indian women has doubled in the last decade. This increase has also led to the average urban household income doubling, according to a study by market research firm IMRB. The urban Indian woman who earned Rs 4,492 per month in 2001 was taking home as much as Rs 9,457 as of 2010. The rise...
More »Why is the educated adivasi woman still in darkness?
-ANI Kanker, (Chhattisgarh) July 20 (ANI): The evils of society somehow seem to impact women more. This is true down the ages, in practically every society. women bear the brunt of regressive practices, not necessarily relating to them as women specifically but affecting society in its entirety. Superstition, age-old prejudices and even so-called 'social norms ' actually hurt them more than anyone else in society. 'Sati' horrifies us today. It is illegal....
More »Food Bill skips malnutrition, anaemia as ministries differ by Sreelatha Menon
The Food Security Bill, approved by a group of ministers this month, has ignored malnutrition as a subject, surprising many observers in UN bodies. The reason given is a turf war among different central ministries. According to N C Saxena, a member of the National Advisory Council that has opposed the government’s draft of the Bill, the women and child development ministry was against including the subject in the Bill as...
More »Bicycles getting crushed under India's rushing prosperity by Neeraj Kaushal
It is the 21st century version of the classic rabbit and tortoise story. Last weekend, a group of cyclists decided to race against Jet-BlueAirlines in Los Angeles when one of its busiest highways was shut down for construction and renovation. To help people get across the town fast, JetBlue started a special flight service. A group of cyclists decided to challenge the airlines to a bikeversus-airlines race. It turned out...
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