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Body blows to Indian education -Debaditya Bhattacharya

-The Telegraph Nirmala Sitharaman’s budget spells out the colossal failure that the draft NEP is fated to be In her budget speech on July 5, the finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, reiterated the government’s plan of bringing in a new National Education Policy, thereby initiating “major changes in both school and higher education”. Her announcement comes close on the heels of a draft NEP published by the ministry of human resource development in...

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Gender gap narrows in migration for jobs -Abhishek Jha

-Hindustan Times Across various education levels, men are more likely to migrate for work than women, according to the data, although there has been some improvement. New Delhi: There are enough anecdotal accounts of women not being allowed to (or not wanting to) move to other towns and cities to take up jobs. Data on migration from the 2011 census that’s just been released bears these out. Across various education levels, men...

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Finding the data on missing girls -Sabu M George

-The Hindu The figure quoted by the government fails to completely take into consideration deliveries in private hospitals. Female foeticide continues to increase at an alarming rate, as per the Sample Registration System (SRS) data released in July for the period 2015-2017. The sex ratio at birth (SRB) has been dropping continuously since Census 2011, coming down from 909 girls per thousand boys in 2011-2013 to 896 girls in 2015-2017, to quote...

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Why VVPATs aren't enough to build confidence in EVMs -Atanu Biswas

-Hindustan Times Still, doubts about EVMs have been planted, despite the fact that none of the Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) machines showed a mismatch with the EVM count. Two months after the declaration of Lok Sabha election results, conspiracy theories about possible tampering of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) are still doing the rounds. That important opposition leaders have demanded a return to paper ballots and even openly supported EVM-rigging...

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It's 2019 but women barely figure in top positions, panels and pages in the media -Cherry Agarwal The number of women in top leadership positions across Indian newsrooms stood at 13.6 per cent for magazines, 20.9 per cent for TV channels, 26.3 per cent for digital portals and less than 5 per cent for newspapers. The media industry has long championed the cause of women’s representation—from women’s entry into Sabarimala to the Women’s Reservation Bill. However, they seem to have done little to ensure adequate representation in their...

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