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Note ban effect: GDP growth enters slow lane in Q4 at 6.1% -Ishan Bakshi & Indivjal Dhasmana

-Business Standard GVA growth at 2-year low of 5.6%; Farming only bright spot India’s economic growth fell to 6.1 per cent in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2016-17 (FY17), primarily because of demonetisation adversely affecting economic activity. This was at least a four-quarter low. The sectors worst affected were construction and financial services. Without indirect taxes, growth figures would be more dismal. Gross value added (GVA), the difference between gross domestic product...

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DeMolished India's top rank -Jayanta Roy Chowdhury and R Suryamurthy

-The Telegraph New Delhi: India is no longer the fastest-growing major economy in the world: it has lost its bragging rights to China. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) today put out its provisional estimates on national income that showed real GDP growth had tumbled to 6.1 per cent in the fourth quarter (January-March). That is considerably slower than the 6.9 per cent growth that the resurgent Chinese economy racked up during the same...

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Farm provides growth impetus

-The Telegraph New Delhi: A robust farm growth of 5.2 per cent in the March quarter pushed GDP growth up to 7.1 per cent. However, growth in the sector was lower than the previous quarter's expansion of 6.9 per cent. Farm growth for the full fiscal zoomed to 4.9 per cent because of good rainfall and record food-grain production compared with a near flat 0.7 per cent expansion in 2015-16.   "The third...

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Demonetisation Pulls Down India's GDP to 3-Year Low at 6.1%, Loses Fastest Growing Economy Tag to China

-Outlook Hit hard by demonetisation, India lost the tag of the fastest growing economy to China in the March quarter with a GDP growth of 6.1 per cent, pulling down the 2016-17 expansion to a THRee-year low of 7.1 per cent. The bad news of the economy growing at the slowest pace in THRee years mainly on account of poor performance of manufacturing and service sectors come at a time when the...

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Reversal Of Fortunes: From net farm exporter to net importer -Harish Damodaran

-The Indian Express Between 2013-14 and 2016-17, India’s exports of agricultural commodities have dipped from $43.2 billion to $33.8 billion, even as imports have climbed from $15.5 billion to $25.6 billion Falling exports and rising imports — this has been the story of the country’s agricultural trade over the last THRee years, notwithstanding the Narendra Modi government’s ambitious Make in India initiative. Between 2013-14 and 2016-17, India’s exports of agricultural commodities have dipped...

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