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Vedanta plans scuppered as Rahul Gandhi champions tribals' cause by Nageshwar Patnaik

It was a classic case of David turning into Goliath almost overnight. Less than two days after the environment ministry rejected Vedanta’s bid to mine bauxite in the Niyamgiri hills of Orissa, the odds swung heavily in favour of the ancient Dongria Kondh tribe when Rahul Gandhi congratulated them on their victory and promised to stand shoulder to shoulder with them in their fight against injustice. In the process, he...

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Martyrs to transparency by Venkitesh Ramakrishnan

In the five years of the Right to Information Act, activists who use it have faced reprisal across the country. OCTOBER 2010 marks the fifth anniversary of the Right to Information (RTI) Act. The Act and its implementation have been described in both administrative circles and civil society as “revolutionary” , “a blow for transparency”, “a check on corrupt practices” and “a people's intervention tool with tremendous impact”. Social activists and...

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Reluctant migrants by Mahim Pratap Singh

Bolangir district in Orissa, facing drought conditions since 1965, sees an annual mass migration of farmers to other States in search of work. SURESH GOHIR of Bhotapada village in the backward Bolangir district of Orissa consumed pesticide two years ago after his paddy crop failed. He survived the suicide attempt but found life doubly difficult as debt had mounted. Suresh was forced to migrate to neighbouring Andhra Pradesh in search of...

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Rape, torture by landlords forces Karnataka villagers to flee by Senthalir S

It's the untold tale of a village in the grip of the feudal system, and a quiet revolt brewing. Budihalli village of Karnataka's Chitradurga district is a glaring example of caste discrimination and bondage, with a yawning gap between communities. Here, landlords hold sway. They allegedly rape and torture women of lower castes while the men work as bonded labourers, paying off debts accumulated over generations. Breaking the stranglehold, 25...

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My work as your ‘sepoy' has just begun, Rahul tells tribals by Prafulla Das

He lauds them for their success in the fight against Vedanta mining project All-India Congress Committee general secretary Rahul Gandhi on Thursday told the Dongria Kondh tribals living in and around the Niyamgiri hills in Orissa that his work as their “sepoy” in New Delhi had just begun. Mr. Gandhi was speaking at a rally at Jagannathpur in Kalahandi district. He congratulated the tribals on emerging successful in their fight against the proposed...

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