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Farm policy needs to change with the times -Nilabja Ghosh

-The Hindu Business Line Land should not be viewed as the only factor of productivity. And, managing food prices calls for better market intelligence The Centre’s emphasis on manufacturing, manifested in initiatives such as ‘Make in India’ and ‘Skill India’ have a downside: relative indifference to agriculture. Some of this is already visible in terms of rural distress and food price inflation. This can prove costly to the economy, reminiscent of the...

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Let’s Use the CAG’s Criticisms to Strengthen, not Weaken, School Midday Meals -Dipa Sinha India’s midday meal scheme (MDMS) reaches more than 11 crore children across 12 lakh government schools around the country. Based on a Supreme Court order in 2001, states introduced a cooked meal in schools – replacing the earlier system of monthly “dry rations”. Despite many achievements, the scheme tends to make headlines for the wrong reasons. A recent audit report by the CAG found a number of implementation gaps, including...

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Drought-hit Odisha, Andhra and UP in Urgent Need of Funds to implement MGNREGA New Delhi: Come February 2, representatives of various states will visit Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi for the “Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Sammelan”, the annual ritual that celebrates the one-of-a kind rural employment scheme of the Government of India – the MGNREGA. However, along with sharing good practices for effective implementation of the scheme, it looks like representatives of at least 12 states will also highlight the need for the Centre to...

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Agenda 2016: Three things the Modi government can do for agriculture today -Harish Damodaran

-The Indian Express Drip irrigation, making urea in Iran, and pushing pulses in Punjab should be top policy priorities. The biggest risk to the Indian economy today isn’t the US Federal Reserve hiking interest rates further or a deepening Chinese slowdown, but rising domestic farm distress that has political implications too. The government can do many things to bring agriculture back on track. We focus on three. Please click here to...

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Civil society seconds rural development ministry’s demand for MGNREGA funds -Jitendra

-Down to Earth The rural development ministry had recently demanded an additional allocation of Rs 5,000 crore to maintain the momentum of MGNREGA Civil society has supported the demand made by the Union Ministry of Rural Development to the Ministry of Finance to provide Rs 5,000 crore for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Generation Scheme (MGNREGS). Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), the United Progressive Alliance’s employment generation flagship scheme,...

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