-The Hindu The panel is planning to crack down on hoarders and enhance the availability of onions Priced between Rs. 60 and Rs. 80 per kilogram in several parts of the country, onions are bringing tears to housewives. Concerned at the problem, the Committee of Secretaries is meeting here on Wednesday to take steps - including a crack down on hoarders - to ease the situation. Onion produce in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka...
Food prices fall for third consecutive month–UN agency
-The United Nations Global food prices declined for the third consecutive month, largely driven by lower international prices for grains, soy and palm oil, while sugar, meat and dairy prices were also down, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported today. The Rome-based agency said its Food Price Index averaged 205.9 points in July, which is 4 points below June and 7 points lower than in July 2012. The Index measures...
More »Food subsidy poses fiscal threat, may not help poor: World Bank
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Prices of globally traded food declined for the third consecutive quarter since their historical peak in August, 2012, a World Bank report has said but cautioned that uncertain weather conditions and domestic policy decisions such as extension food subsidy programmes in India and other countries need a close watch. Prices of all the three main food categories declined between February and June, 2013. Prices of grains...
More »It figures
-The Indian Express Greater economic growth, not more subsidy, has resulted in poverty falling like never before Given how poverty levels have fallen sharply, from 37.2 per cent of the population in 2004-05 to 21.9 per cent in 2011-12, the question is whether this is due to rising economic growth or a more sprawling subsidy regime. Since the government plans to bring in the Food Security Bill, it is easy to guess...
More »Sharad Pawar not in favour of onion export ban
-PTI NEW DELHI: Amid rising onion prices hurting consumers, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar said he was not in favour of a ban on onion exports, saying such a move will hit India's image as a global supplier of farm produce. The Minister said the rise in onion prices is a "temporary situation" as heavy rains in major producing states like Maharashtra have affected supplies. "It is not fair to ban export of any...
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