-The Hindu The educational and economic development of Dalits is seen by the backward castes as a challenge to the social order, as recent incidents in Tamil Nadu show On the evening of November 7, 2012, a crowd numbering over 1000 people burst into three Dalit settlements in Dharmapuri, north-western Tamil Nadu, and laid them waste. Over a period of several hours, they looted, smashed and burned. Trees had been felled on...
Karnataka sees maximum cases of voter inducement-J Balaji
-The Hindu The Election Commission has filed 2,655 FIRs in various police stations of Karnataka under Section 171B of the Indian Penal Code relating to bribery in view of Rs. 24.52 crore cash, gift articles including saris and watches, and liquor seized during the run up to the just concluded Legislative Assembly poll in the State. Informed sources said this was one of the highest numbers of FIRs registered by the poll...
More »Parliamentary panel calls for media watchdog -Shuchi Bansal and Liz Mathew
-Live Mint Move could assume significance given the pressure facing a government battling a series of corruption allegations New Delhi: A parliamentary committee on Monday sought to make a case for controlling the media-both print and electronic-through a statutory regulator, a suggestion that could assume significance given the pressure facing a government battling a series of corruption allegations. The standing committee on information technology called for such a regulator on grounds that the...
More »Spies of Punjab, ‘shown steps of gold’-Chander Suta Dogra
-The Hindu Chandigarh: For one Sarabjit Singh, whose death brought Politicians to his funeral and financial assistance for his family, the Punjab countryside is dotted with scores of men knocking on the doors of courts seeking compensation for the years many of them spent in Pakistani jails, and recognition of their services as spies for India. Neither the government nor his family has ever acknowledged that Sarabjit - who died this week...
More »Political parties use RTI to take on rivals -Nidhi Sharma
-The Economic Times The Right to Information is no more an aid for the common man. It is fast becoming a potent political tool. Congress has made it its weapon of choice to take on the state governments in Odisha, UP and Punjab while BJP fought its land acquisition battle in Noida last year armed with information collected fromRTI applications. It isn't the Opposition parties alone that Politicians gun for. Congress...
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