-Outlook One cannot be prosecuted for hurling castiest abuses at a person from scheduled caste or tribe unless it is proved that the incident took place in "full public view," a Delhi court has said. Additional Sessions Judge Rajnish Bhatnagar made the observation, referring to a provision of the Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and discharging three members of a family of charges under the Act. "From the bare reading...
The Coming Famine In India-Binayak Sen
-Mainstream Weekly Dr Binayak Sen, an internationally renowned medical practitioner and social activist (a leading figure in the People’s Union for Civil Liberties), was incarcerated in Chhattisgarh and held in detention in Raipur having been branded as a Maoist for his activities in defence of poor tribals in the State. He is now out on bail. The following is the text of the Arvind Narayan Das Memorial Lecture he delivered in...
More »‘Implementation of Forest Rights Act a panacea for all ills’ -K Jeevan Chinnappa
-The Hindu Chairperson of panel for STs unhappy with State’s performance Chairperson of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes Rameshwar Oraon is displeased over the tardy implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, by the State governments. In an exclusive interview with The Hindu here on Thursday, Mr. Oraon said the objective of the Forest Rights Act was to facilitate welfare of the tribal...
More »Jairam plans pension cover for young widows and single women -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu In the latest move on its social welfare agenda, the government may expand its pension scheme, widening the net for widows, single and divorced women, disabled people, Dalits and tribal senior citizens, as well as increasing the amount paid to older people. The Rural Development Ministry, which is proposing the expansion, estimates the additional cost at more than Rs. 18,000 crore per year. The Ministry has just accepted the recommendations made...
More »The truth behind NaMo’s numbers -Ajay Umat
-The Times of India In a recent election rally, Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi advised Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, one of the country's top economists, to follow the Gujarat model of development , to cure the country of its ills. "Mr Prime Minister, if you try to follow the path of Gujarat state, the condition of the country will be transformed." Modi, who is projecting himself as the champion of economic...
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