-The Times of India A year ago, Vijayalakshmi decided to risk her decade-old corporate lifestyle to launch Design-Dreams, a web design venture, using her own funds. The BITS Pilani post-graduate may have successfully made the leap to an entrepreneur, but expects the climb ahead to be steep. "When you walk into a networking seminar, you can count the number of women on your fingers. One feels secluded and interactions are difficult,"...
Winds of change sweeping through Madhya Pradesh’s Bedia community -Anupam Pateriya
-The Hindustan Times Sagar (Madhya Pradesh): Habla, a small, nondescript village in Madhya Pradesh's Sagar district is changing, moving away from the pains of a dark past. More than 20 young boys and girls from the village - over 240km from capital city Bhopal - are now pursuing different degrees in Sagar University. More than 40 others travel to neighbouring Naryawli village to attend a higher secondary school. For these boys...
More »Modi U-turn for the better: Changing NREGA would have been a mistake -Rajesh Pandathil
-FirstPost.com Not all U-turns are bad. Some are good, like the one by the NDA government on the MNREGA, also called NREGA . For the uninitiated, the new NDA government had about three months back proposed to make changes to the pro-poor scheme launched by the erstwhile United Progressive Alliance. According to media reports that cited a circular, the proposal was to amend the NREG Act by restricting the area of work...
More »Call for discrimination shield for Muslims -Imran Ahmed Siddiqui
-The Telegraph New Delhi: A government panel that evaluated Muslims' post-Sachar socio-economic conditions has suggested an anti-discrimination law, targeted mainly at employers, to combat the growing disparity between the community and the rest of the country. The committee, headed by Jawaharlal Nehru University professor Amitabh Kundu, has failed to detect any "sea change on the ground" despite several welfare plans being launched for the community after Sachar's late-2006 report. Like Sachar, the Kundu...
More »Bengal’s NREGA not a rosy picture -Sumanta Ray Chaudhuri
-The Hindustan Times According to Nabanna sources, a rough average of working days created under MGNREGA in Bengal during the last three years shows that the state ranks a lowly16th among all states on this count. On the basis of the same average during the last three years in terms of working days created during the same period, the figure for Bengal is much lower than the national average. During the period...
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