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Google Under Fire in US for Predatory Monopoly Practices -Prabir Purkayastha Tech monopolies are increasingly being acknowledged as a danger to people, other companies and even to democracy. The regulatory worm seems to be turning in many countries, even in the US where it had gone into hibernation. The US Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against Google-Alphabet (Alphabet is Google's parent company) for a range of anti-competitive practices using its monopoly power in the search market. This is the only...

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Beware, the numbers can be deceptive -Madan Sabnavis

-The Hindu Business Line Many high-frequency economic indicators are looking good, but must sustain beyond the unlock period, too There has been a sudden surge of optimism in the economy with various high-frequency indicators — PMI numbers, auto production/dispatches, e-way bills generated, GST collections, etc. — showing positive tendencies. So, should we be celebrating? The answer is, yes and no. Yes, because there is something good happening in the economy and hence bodes...

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Amid polls, festivals, migrants continue to leave Bihar -Avishek G Dastidar

-The Indian Express Railways has introduced clone trains to replicate services with a long waiting list. Out of the 40 such trains, around 24 are from stations in Bihar. Even as the Opposition in Bihar tries to make the plight of migrant workers an election issue, train passenger data shows high occupancy rates on routes connecting the state with destinations that rely heavily on migrant labour.  The demand has been such that...

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Economic Liberalisation and Fertilizer Policies in India -Prachi Bansal and Vikas Rawal

-Society for Social and Economic Research The economic reforms which were started in 1991 shifted the focus of fertilizer policies away from playing a leading role in building the fertilizer industry and ensuring the availability of fertilizers at affordable prices to farmers. Under the neo-liberal policy framework, reducing the fiscal burden of fertilizer subsidies and the foreign exchange burden of fertilizer-related imports became the overriding concerns of the state.  Interestingly, the post-liberalisation...

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Has Bangladesh’s economic rise taken the wind out of the NRC narrative? -Shoaib Daniyal The final NRC data seems to have belied myths about both the quantum of migration from Bangladesh as well as the religious affilitation of the migrants. For more than five decades now, fear of migration from Bangladesh (and earlier Pakistan’s East Bengal province) has influenced the politics of Assam. To justify this, very high estimates of numbers of Bangladeshi migrants have been put out in the public domain in India. In 1997,...

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