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Rural non-agro economy growing faster than urban: Assocham

The rural non-farming sector has been growing faster than that of the urban since early 1970s, says a report. The report on "Comparative Growth between non-farming economy of rural and urban area" by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) said the share of rural non-farming economy in rural gross domestic product (GDP) has increased from 28 percent in 1970-71 to 46 percent in 1999-2000. It said...

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1 in 2 under-5 Indian kids malnourished: Study by Gokul Chandrasekar

Around a quarter of the world’s population who are deprived of food live in India and 43 per cent of all children in the country under the age of five are malnourished, claims a recent report published by an international non-profit organisation. While India’s per capita income tripled between 1990 and 2005, the number of hungry people also increased by 53 million, bringing the total numbers of chronically hungry people in...

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Climate change could benefit UK farmers by Fiona Harvey and George Parker

Climate change and global food shortages could bring unexpected benefits for British farmers in the next two decades, ultimately relieving taxpayers of the burden of subsidising them, Caroline Spelman, environment secretary, has claimed. Ms Spelman said the UK was unlikely to suffer the severe water shortages that scientists predict will afflict other parts of the world, and that British farmers should be able to exploit greater demand for their produce. “Countries that...

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India confident about achieving MDGs by deadline

Ahead of the Millennium Development Goals Summit next week, India has expressed confidence that it would be able to reach its social and economic goals by the 2015 deadline. "India will not only have met the goals but it will be a shining example for other countries, Hardeep Singh Puri, India's envoy to the UN told PTI. "There is concern about some of these targets," Puri added, referring to child and maternal...

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Agri panel suggests steps to raise grain output

A task force, set up by the agriculture ministry, has recommended a slew of measures to increase India’s stagnating grain production. The panel has advised adoption of new technologies, water conservation and more efficient water management, especially in Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh—known as ‘the food bowl of India’. The task force also suggests taking green revolution to the eastern region. It is hopeful that the measures would check...

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