-The Hindu Those opposing Justice Katju’s suggestion of minimum qualifications for journalists are out of touch with reality Some years ago, the journalism entrance test at a career development institute in Mumbai had this objective-type question: Kofi Annan is (a) a Nigerian footballer (b) Lead singer of a Sierra Leone pop group (c) a Sri Lankan delicacy (d) Secretary-General of the United Nations. The 100-odd candidates who appeared for the test were...
MP threatens to cancel pact on Maheshwar dam-Mahim Pratap Singh
-The Hindu Observing that Shree Maheshwar Hydel Power Corporation Ltd. (SMHPCL), the private promoters of the Maheshwar dam project, had failed to begin commercial operation and had no funds to complete the project and rehabilitate the displaced, the Madhya Pradesh Government has threatened to terminate the project’s power purchase agreement. A notice of default, a copy of which is with The Hindu , was issued by the MP Power Management Company Ltd...
More »Is A Neo-LTTE Emerging? -B Raman
-Outlook Instead of playing a Leadership role, the Manmohan Singh government has surrendered all political initiative internationally to the US and the EU countries and locally to parties such as the DMK, motivated by political opportunism Is there a neo-LTTE emerging nearly four years after the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was wiped out in May, 2009, by the Sri Lankan security forces? That is a question that needs the...
More »18 retained as age of consent in anti-rape bill
-The Times of India Faced with all-around political opposition, the cabinet on Monday retained 18 as age of consent for consensual sex, graded punishment for stalking and voyeurism and deleted "persistent watching" as an offence while clearing a new law to protect women. The changes were agreed to after a meeting on Monday where political Leaders raised concerns ranging from genuine apprehensions to frivolous over the possibility of "misuse" of tough laws...
More »‘Herbal medicines causing kidney failure, bladder cancer in India’ -Kounteya Sinha
-The Times of India LONDON: Herbal medicines are causing millions in India to develop kidney failure and bladder cancer. In a warning that is bound to cause a fresh row over the quality of Asian herbal medicines, British scientists were due to announce on Tuesday that millions of people in Asia — specially in India and China — might be exposed to the risk of kidney failure and bladder cancer from taking...
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