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Farm trade paints an optimistic picture of the economy-Ashok Gulati and Surbhi Jain

-The Economic Times It has never happened since Independence. May be not even in the last 1,000 years what happened during October 2011-September 2012. India exported 10 million tonnes of rice, valued at around $6 billion, becoming the largest exporter of rice, replacing Thailand and Vietnam, generally the two largest exporters of rice. This is now known to many in rice circles. But what is little known is that in 2011-12, India also emerged...

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Over the top-Kalpana Sharma

-The Hoot The coverage given to Thackeray’s death by some television channels was overwhelmingly disproportionate to his contribution to people’s well-being. The comments made by the “experts” were toned by the fear of Sena reprisal, says KALPANA SHARMA. Can Indian news television plumb greater depths? The blanket coverage of Bal Thackeray’s death and funeral on some channels would make any self-respecting journalist hang her head in shame. What were they thinking?...

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Sh*t, caste and the holy dip-Bezwada Wilson and Bhasha Singh

-The Hindu For any law to truly liberate those trapped in manual scavenging, their numbers must first be established by a comprehensive survey Everybody declares with a full heart, and in a low voice, that it is a national shame. From Manmohan Singh and Pratibha Patil to Mukesh Ambani and Aamir Khan, the last mentioned a new convert to the Dalit cause, there is no dearth of people queuing up to take...

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Sell excess wheat, share profit with farmers, says CACP

-The Economic Times The government should liquidate wheat stocks through exports and sales in the open market and share the proceeds with farmers to raise their income levels, a government panel suggested. In its latest report to the agriculture ministry, the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), which recommends a minimum support price (MSP) for agriculture crops, is said to have maintained that there is no reason to lift the...

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30,000 surrender 2nd gas connection in a week -Sanjay Dutta

-The Times of India After much confusion and protests, new cooking gas norms for weeding out duplicate and bogus connections appear to be finally working. Over 30,000 Indane customers alone surrendered their second connections last week, a senior oil ministry official told TOI on Monday. The official estimated the total number of customers who have surrendered connections in the region of over 50,000, considering that Indane - marketed by IndianOil - covers...

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