-The Business Standard Says it ensured more inclusive growth here, with better paying jobs, compared to NDA govt's record The perception that more jobs were created during the 1998-2004 National Democratic Alliance government than that of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) isn't based on facts, said Jairam Ramesh, the minister for rural development. From projections based on a National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) study, 60 million jobs were created between 1999-2000 and...
More children going to private schools: NCAER-Rukmini S
-The Hindu The dropout rate remains troublingly high Private school enrolment continues to rise, but the already low levels of what children are learning in schools - both government and private - continue to fall, new Data shows. The Hindu is reporting exclusively on the findings of the 2011-12 round of India Human Development Survey (IHDS), a representative national sample of 42,000 households, carried out by the National Council for Applied Economic Research...
More »Government not doing a great job of generating more jobs -Sanjoy Narayan
-The Hindustan Times If you've somehow managed to wrench yourself away from witnessing the ever plunging new lows during the ongoing election campaigns, including name calling, mud (and ink) slinging and repeated exchanges of the same accusations between political rivals, you will surely have noticed the exuberance in the markets - the Sensex has touched a record high and the long-languishing rupee has strengthened to within striking distance of sub-Rs 60...
More »Scoring Child Nutrition in India: Measuring the Performance of States -Victor Aguayo, Gayatri Singh, and Nina Badgaiyan
-Economic and Political Weekly Essential nutrition interventions are found to be strongly associated with lower under-nutrition levels in India. This is shown by constructing and comparing a child undernutrition index and child nutrition score, both of which use Data from India's latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3). The CUI indicates that 16 of the 28 states have high or very high levels of child under-nutrition. The CNS indicates that 24 states...
More »Food security in the time of inflation -Sonalde Desai
-The Hindu If the expansion of the Public Distribution System results in an increase in market prices, it may counterbalance the benefits of food subsidy Passage of the National Food Security Act (NFSA) has put the Public Distribution System (PDS) at the core of the national mission to feed the hungry. The PDS, operated via "fair price" or ration shops, will distribute up to 5 kg of rice at Rs. 3 per...
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