A boarding school in UP's Bijnor district allegedly confined over a dozen students to the school dormitory for over a fortnight for failing to submit two months' fee. The children, including those of Class I, were not allowed to attend regular classes or sports in the evening. This came to light after parents of two brothers, who were among those confined, informed the authorities. The students were rescued and handed over...
UN agency releases list of medicines vital for saving mothers and children
The United Nations health agency today released its first ever list of the most vital medicines for saving the lives of mothers and children, and stressed the need to ensure their availability in developing countries. The list of the top 30 medicines includes oxytocin, a drug used to treat severe bleeding after childbirth, the leading cause of maternal death, as well as simple antibiotics to treat pneumonia, which kills an estimated...
More »No mid-day meal funds, so Punjab teachers spend own money
For several months now, Punjab government schools have not received money for the mid-day meal scheme. Teachers have been spending from their own pockets or buying rations on credit to feed the children. The Education department has attributed the delay in payment to non-release of funds by the Finance department. In Bakhtra village in Sangrur, teachers say they are buying food because the people who send their children to school are very...
More »Bengal worse than Gujarat for Muslims? by Abantika Ghosh
These are figures the Left Front should be wary of as it prepares to defend its citadel of 34 years in West Bengal. An analysis of data on the Muslim community released by the chief economist of the National Council of Applied Economic Research, Abu Saleh Sheriff, reveals that the state's minority has benefited little from development measures. In terms of human development indices, the Muslims have fared very poorly. Of the...
More »Plebiscite rap by Amnesty by Muzaffar Raina
Human rights watchdog Amnesty International today blamed India’s “failure” to hold a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir for the “mounting discontent” among Kashmiris, virtually echoing separatists and Pakistan. Delhi rejects calls for the plebiscite, saying Kashmir is an integral part of India. Both Pakistan and the separatists say Kashmir is a disputed territory whose status must be determined by its people. Amnesty today released an 82-page report — titled “A Lawless Law”...
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