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Website to improve Farmers’ lifestyle-R Avadhani

-The Hindu   The site will feature initiatives in various fields Sangareddy (Andhra Pradesh): The Deccan Development Society (DDS), an NGO based in the district and working on improving the standard of living of farming community as its motto, has taken up another initiative. Along with Kalpavriksh, Shikshantar and Bhoomi College, the DDS has established Vikalp Sangam/ Alternatives India, a website dedicated to the creative work that people across India are doing as alternatives...

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Farmers must get coverage for lost crops-Devinder Sharma

-Tehelka If a house can be insured against natural disaster, why can't a crop field? There is nothing more gruesome for any farmer than to see before his own eyes his lush green standing crop flattened by the vagaries of nature. All his hopes and aspirations from a bountiful harvest are grounded in a matter of few minutes. Not only the crop, but his life too is flattened. As many as 24...

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World Water Day: UN highlights water, energy links for sustainable development

-The United Nations To mark World Water Day, the United Nations is highlighting the key role that water and energy play in economic development and the eradication of poverty worldwide, and calling for strong measures to ensure their efficient and equitable use. In his message for the Day, focused this year on the interdependence between the management of water and energy, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noted that "they interact with each other...

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Employer of the last resort? -Sonalde Desai, Omkar Joshi and Reeve Vanneman

-The Hindu The Centre's rural employment guarantee scheme can be substantially improved, but it has undeniably helped Dalits, Adivasis and women find work In an era of growing globalisation and rising inequality, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) stands out as a unique attempt to provide a social safety net via a massive public works programme. The government as an employer of the last resort is an idea that...

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Save the farmer

-DNA Farmers' suicides are as much a consequence of indebtedness as the failure of the government to offer solutions to make agriculture a viable profession. Astring of Farmers' suicides, in the aftermath of hailstorms and unseasonal rainfall over the past fortnight, in Maharashtra sheds light on the parlous state of Indian agriculture. National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) statistics tell us that over 2.8 lakh Farmers have committed suicide since 1995. Though attempts...

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