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A long march of the dispossessed to Delhi -P Sainath Imagine a democratic protest where a million farmers, labourers and others march to the capital and compel discussion of the exploding crisis of the countryside in a special three-week session of Parliament India’s agrarian crisis has gone beyond the agrarian. It’s a crisis of society. Maybe even a civilizational crisis, with perhaps the largest body of small farmers and labourers on earth fighting to save their livelihoods. The agrarian crisis is no...

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Breaking down India's non-agricultural workforce -Roshan Kishore

-Hindustan Times According to the 2011 census, 45% of India’s total workers are employed in the non-agricultural sector. This number excludes those who work as either cultivators or agricultural labourers Employment generation (or the lack of it) will probably be the biggest issue in next year’s general elections. India’s employment challenge is broadly perceived as one of moving agricultural workers to remunerative jobs in the non-farm sector, and rightly so. With a...

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Lower returns on produce behind farmers' distress -Roshan Kishore

-Hindustan Times Profitability takes a hit as real MSPs have not risen over the years New Delhi: Most commentary around rural anger in India has been focused on either the sector’s growth performance or government spending on agriculture. Such analysis is likely to present an INComplete picture at best. Government spending on agriculture is a small fraction of the total agricultural economic output. In 2017-18, the ministry of agriculture’s spending was less...

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Working on skill deficit key to boost farm economy -Roshan Kishore

-Hindustan Times Unless the deficit is addressed, plans to improve INComes in the farm sector are unlikely to succeed According to the 2011 census, 45% of India’s workforce is engaged in non-agricultural activities i.e. professions other than cultivation and agricultural labour. This number diminishes by slightly more than two percentage points if one excludes two other primary sector activities: mining and plantations, forestry and fishing. Who are these workers? Which industries and...

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As Kerala HC Supports Photo of Breastfeeding, Data Say Too Few Mothers Practice It The national average of infants in the age group six to 23 months who receive an adequate diet is a shocking 9.6%. New Delhi: The image of a woman breastfeeding on the cover of a popular Malayalam magazine Grihalakshmi was too much for some to bear. A case was even filed in Kerala high court over it. However, the court recently came out in support of the publication, refusing to...

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