‘Spread of the Bt gene could make brinjal a problematic weed' An independent enquiry has revealed that the cultivation of genetically engineered (GE, also called genetically modified, or GM) Bt brinjal poses risks to the environment and possibly to human health. The occurrence of wild, weedy and also cultivated relatives presents a likelihood that the GE Bt gene will spread to these relatives but, so far, this has largely been overlooked...
Ban & seize: Congress MP Bill out to gag media by Maneesh Chhibber
The private member’s Bill that Rahul Gandhi’s close aide and Congress MP Meenakshi Natarajan was scheduled to introduce in Parliament last week lays down a draconian set of rules clearly aimed to gag and threaten the media in the name of “protecting national interest”. Called the Print and Electronic Media Standards and Regulation Bill, 2012, it provides for a media regulatory authority — part selected by the I&B minister and three...
More »Food fascism: The vegetarian hypocrisy in India by Murali Shanmugavelan
This month a group of Dalit (or Untouchables, as they were formerly labelled) students organised a Beef Festival in Osmania University of Hyderabad. It was the festival to assert their culinary rights in public and make a political statement of dietary habits of Dalits and Muslims – by cooking and eating beef Biryani on campus. About 2000 students participated and although it started out well, the festival was disrupted and students...
More »Take control of your TV
-The Telegraph From July 1, TV viewers in the four metros will for the first time have a choice over which channels to watch and not have it decided for them by multi-system operators (MSOs) and local cable operators. Also, they will have to pay only for channels they have chosen. The rest of India will have this choice by December 2014 when the digital transmission of cable TV signals becomes mandatory...
More »Bihar artisans get Exim Bank's loan support-Atmadip Ray
Export Import Bank of India has sanctioned a Libor-linked foreign currency loan to artisans in Bihar for bulk purchases of tasar silk, their raw material. Libor is London inter-bank offer rate which is being used as a benchmark for short term rates in the international capital market. Exim Bank has given the working capital loan for three months to Ecotasar Silk Pvt Ltd, an enterprise manufacturing off-the-loom tasar silk products in...
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