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Emerging Nations Tackle Food Costs by Eric Bellman and Alex Frangos

Fast-growing emerging nations are taking increasingly aggressive actions to beat back rising food prices as they grow more worried of threats to stability if prices don't start to retreat. Developing-market governments have unveiLED a laundry list of measures—including price caps, export bans and rules to counter commodity speculation—to keep food costs from disrupting their economies as price spikes that some had hoped were temporary have stretched into the new year. Some...

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Sonia-LED NAC to push govt on food net by Nitin Sethi

The Sonia Gandhi-LED National Advisory Council has decided to stick to its recommendations on the Food Security Act which have been turned down by a committee headed by PM's chief economic adviser C Rangarajan. The NAC has released the version of the Bill it has drafted to explain that its recommendations on the size of population to be covered by the Food Security Act were feasible. The Rangarajan committee has cited food...

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A Bengali rate of growth by Mohan Guruswamy

Despite its slackening industry, the common perception of West Bengal as a backward state has little substance when one looks at the facts. Most of us are conditioned to view economic development in terms of industrialisation. While industrialisation is essential for economic transformation, it is not as if economic growth is not possible without it. The sectoral structure of India's gross domestic product (GDP) and its slow transformation makes a good...

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NAC won't give in, takes battle into public domain by Smita Gupta

The Sonia Gandhi-LED National Advisory Council has decided to take its battle with the government on the now-controversial issue of food security into the public domain. Eight days after the Rangarajan panel, appointed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, rejected its recommendations on food security, the NAC has decided to dig in its heels, reflecting, council sources said, “Ms. Gandhi's determination to go ahead.” Indeed, on Friday, the NAC, at its ninth...

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NAC seeks inclusion of SCs/STs in ambit of food security law

National Advisory Council has asked the government to provide highest priority to the inclusion of SC/ST families among beneficiaries of the proposed food security legislation. The Sonia Gandhi-LED council decided on Friday to write to the rural development ministry, urging it to include the socially vulnerable section in the 'priority group' in the BPL survey to be conducted by the ministry. The council's draft legislation has recommended providing 35kg foodgrain...

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