-World Watch Institute An estimated 70.2 million hectares of agricultural Land worldwide have been sold or leased to private and public investors since 2000, according to new research conducted by the Worldwatch Institute (www.worldwatch.org) for its Vital Signs Online service. The bulk of these acquisitions, which are called “Land grabs” by some observers, took place between 2008 and 2010, peaking in 2009. Although data for 2010 indicate that the amount of...
India among top 10 Land grabbers, sellers: Report-Jayashree Nandi
-The Times of India India is among the top 10 nations to acquire Land in both domestic and transnational deals, according to a report released this month by the Washington-based World Watch Institute (WWI). It lists India as a big investor in Land globally and among the top 'Land grabbers' because what is acquired is agricultural Land. The data has been sourced from an international coalition of NGOs and research groups called...
More »Jayalalithaa writes to PM over fertilizers-Sanjay Pinto
-NDTV Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa has shot off yet another letter to the Prime Minister. In her latest communication, the AIADMK Chief has flagged concerns of farmers in the State over the "introduction of the Nutrient Based Subsidy Scheme (NBS) by the Government of India from the 1st April, 2010, coupled with an unreliable supply of fertilizers" that she feels is "threatening to deprive our farmers of their basic means...
More »Green rider for GDP-Richard Mahapatra
-Down to Earth World is moving towards natural capital as a measure of economic growth After using gross domestic product, or GDP, as the universal measurement of economy for six decades, the world has begun looking beyond this gold standard for measuring a country’s economy. On May 25, 10 African countries agreed to incorporate their natural capital, or value of their natural resources, into their national accounts to make better economic decisions. The...
More »MK refers to Singur law ‘legal advice’
-The Telegraph Governor M.K. Narayanan today said he was given “legal advice” that the Singur bill did not require presidential assent — an observation the government has seized upon in its search for a scapegoat. Absence of presidential assent was one of the key reasons cited by a Calcutta High Court division bench last week to strike down the Singur law. The state government today spoke of looking at “other alternatives” alongside...
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