-Financial Chronicle India's independence in 1947 had the great Bengal famine as its backdrop. During the Bengal famine of 1942-43, over three million children, women and men died of starvation. India's first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, therefore, said in 1947, "Everything else can wait; but not agriculture". This commitment led to the initiation of several programmes in the field of agriculture, such as extension of irrigation facilities, establishment of seed corporations,...
Several Farmers find experiments with zero-till drilling over years most fruitful -Raghbir Singh Brar
-The Hindustan Times Faridkot: Most Farmers, who have been sowing wheat with zero-till or no-till drill, which helps them reduce expenses on diesel and labour besides saving time, water and gives them the same yield as the wheat sown after many ploughings, are satisfied with the experiment with the new technology over the years. But still, due to the traditional mindset, costly and nonavailability of new agriculture machinery, new techniques are not...
More »Challenges before farming sector-Kota Sriraj
-The Pioneer From the right farming techniques to efficient and not wasteful use of water for irrigation purposes, new and modern agricultural methods can help optimise production and save the environment from degradation At a time when a burgeoning population is putting immense stress on available resources, foodgrains production as a critical and life supporting resource is exceedingly finding itself on the back foot, thanks to a rapidly degrading environment. The state...
More »What lies beneath-Harshini Vakkalanka
-The Hindu Environmental activist Vandana Shiva says the real motives behind GMOs are the patents and royalties that come with it Two things happened in 1984, begins environmental activist Vandana Shiva. One was Operation Blue star and the second, the riots following the assassination of the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. "Something happened before Operation Blue Star and that story doesn't get told, that is the story of the Green Revolution," said Shiva,...
More »AAP inking agriculture policy to connect with rural voters -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Aam Aadmi Party is inking its agriculture policy to connect with rural voters and expand its support base. Apart from farm production, the policy will focus on ensuring income security for Farmers through a series of measures including a Farmers' income commission, increasing access to insurance and credit facilities for tenant Farmers and improving rural infrastructure. Recent data from the National Crime Records Bureau show...
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