Total Matching Records found : 6102

Business Class Rises in Ashes of Caste System by Lydia Polgreen

Chezi K. Ganesan looks every inch the high-tech entrepreneur, dressed in the Silicon Valley uniform of denim shirt and khaki trousers, slick smartphone close at hand. He splits his time between San Jose and this booming coastal metropolis, running his $6 million a year computer chip-making company. His family has come a long way. His grandfather was not allowed to enter Hindu temples, or even to stand too close to upper-caste...

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Vegetable prices shoot up in northern India

Owing to floods and incessant rains in northern India's Haryana, crops have been badly affected due to which the prices of the vegetables have gone up. Though the floods have receded in some parts of the area but large swathes of crops have been washed away. The wholesale rate for tomato has gone as high as Rs 40/kg, while the retail rate in some markets has reached Rs 60/kg. "Due to incessant rain...

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Concerns About Dengue Fever Rise in India by Hari Kumar

Indian health officials have struggled to allay domestic concerns about dengue fever even as the country scrambles to finish construction projects in time for the Commonwealth Games, which will take place here in less than a month. India is expecting 8,000 athletes and team officials from 71 countries and territories for the games, which bring together nations that were formerly part of the British Commonwealth. Delays and allegations of corruption have...

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NSC distributes seeds in drought-hit east India

To help farmers in eastern India tide over the drought, the National Seed Corporation (NSC) has distributed tonnes of short-duration crop seeds to state government of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa. “We are have distributed 11,000 quintal of short-duration crop seeds to Bihar and Jharkhand and 1,000 quintal to West Bengal,” NSC chairman and managing director SK Roongta told reporters on the sidelines of the 47th annual general meeting of...

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Look beyond just stocking foodgrains by Yoginder K Alagh

Under ideal conditions, grain storage options in India are built up from the buffer stock strategies. These, in Turn, are derived from fluctuations in grain output and the need to ride through, say, two bad years. To the needs of the required buffer are added the demands from operational requirements and those of grains in transit. Once upon a time, there used to be controversies concerning why should we separately account...

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