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4 children die after vaccination for measles by Manas Dasgupta

Four children died at the Rambagh hospital in Adipur in Kutch district of Gujarat on Wednesday after they were given oral vaccinations for measles. According to a government spokesman, seven children in the 0-1 age group from a slum colony were given the oral vaccines by Health Department officials. Four of them soon developed adverse symptoms and were rushed to hospital where they died during treatment. Till evening, Collectorate officials had...

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Too bad to swallow by Milind Murugkar , Bharat Ramaswami and Ashok Kotwal

The National Advisory Council (NAC) has now sketched out the “contours of a national food security bill”. The goal is worthy: “Protecting all children, women and men from hunger and food deprivation.” To some, the bill might appear utopian. The truth is worse. The bill reminds us of John Stuart Mill’s denunciation of a government policy of his day: “What is commonly called Utopian is something too good to be...

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Punjab Budget woos women, BPL families by Sukhdeep Kaur

“Budget is more than a document of income and expenditure. People expect it to tackle the twin problems of poverty and social injustice while ensuring better income and standard of living.” Country’s first woman Finance Minister of any state government, Upinderjit Kaur, said this while presenting her first budget and last of the present Akali-BJP government on Monday. With the state slated to go to polls early next year, the Rs...

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In 20 years, 20% more men than women by Kounteya Sinha

India will have 20% more men than women in the next two decades, thanks to sex-selective abortion and craze for male child in some states, according to a new study. Conducted by Dr Therese Hesketh and co-authors from the UCL Centre for International Health and Development, London, and published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on Tuesday, the study says easy access to sex-selective abortions, has led to significant imbalances in...

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Radioactive releases in Japan worrying by William J Broad

The amounts of various radioactive releases into the environment are unknown, as are the winds and other factors that determine how radioactivity will disperse. The different radioactive materials reported at the nuclear accidents in Japan range from relatively benign to extremely worrisome. The central problem in assessing the degree of danger is that the amounts of various radioactive releases into the environment are now unknown, as are the winds and other...

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