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US asks India to submit data on food security scheme to WTO -Amiti Sen

-The Hindu Business Line     Questions efficiency of country's food subsidy programmes  Targeting India's Food Security Programme, the US has questioned its efficiency and has said that the country should spell out measures to increase the programme's effectiveness. It has also demanded that India submit all relevant statistics and documents on the programme to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in order to gain immunity against penalties in case subsidies breach specified limits. "The matter will...

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India's rice warrior battles to build living seed bank as climate chaos looms-John Vidal

-The Guardian Rice conservationist Debal Deb grapples with 'mindless Indian elite' to reintroduce genetically diverse, drought-tolerant varieties   Fifty years ago, every Indian village would probably have grown a dozen or more rice varieties that grew nowhere else. Passed down from generation to generation and family to family, there would have been a local variety for every soil and taste - rice that would grow well in droughts or deep floods, which had...

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A farmer who has made a difference-MJ Prabu

-The Hindu Jai Prakash Singh has won many awards for his work to preserve native seeds A Varanasi farmer, Jai Prakash Singh, is a proud recipient of three awards - two from former Presidents in 2002 and 2009, and the Plant Genome award from the government for his outstanding role in preserving hundreds of native seed varieties. The farmer has to his credit about 460 paddy, 120 wheat, 30 pulse and four mustard...

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To plough a lonely furrow-Devinder Sharma

-DNA Elections 2014 are around the corner. And when elections draw nearer, the Government suddenly wakes up and thinks of its duties towards the people. This year is no exception. Whether it is the one-rank-one-pension for the retired defence personnel or the legal monthly entitlement of 5kg of wheat/rice/millet for poor households under the national Food Security Act or the announcement of a 7th Pay Commission along with a DA instalment...

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Price rise most burning issue for Farmers: CSDS survey-Gargi Parsai

-The Hindu Sample size 5,000 households with 11,000 interviewees Price rise, not corruption, will be the most important issue for Farmers when they go to vote in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, says a Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) random survey. The sample size comprised 5,000 farming households with 11,000 interviewees including 4,298 women and 2,115 youths. Issues of unemployment and lack of irrigation will be other concerns that...

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