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Pak potatoes rescue Indian consumers-Madhvi Sally

AHMEDABAD: With potato prices ruling at Rs 20 a kg in retail in the domestic market, traders from Jammu and Kashmir have started Importing potato from the two Line of Control (LOC) trade posts of Srinagar and Poonch. With zero Import duty on Import at the LOC trade points, Pakistani potato is cheaper than the Indian variety by 20% to 40%. India's potato production is expected to be 33.5-34 million tonne...

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The right not to be left behind-Kiran Bhatty

The Supreme Court in its verdict on the constitutionality of the Right to Education Act in relation to the reservation of seats for Economically Weaker Section [EWS] and socially disadvantaged [SD] children has rightly upheld the principle of integration. It is hard to see how it could have been any other way. In fact, the arguments against segregation and in favour of diversity in schools have long been settled in...

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Bill proposes life term for sexual offences against kids-Himanshi Dhawan

On Thursday, the Union Cabinet is likely to discuss a bill that will make sexual intercourse or 'contact with sexual intent' with a child - which is any one below 18 years - illegal. The 'sexual offences against children bill' proposes tough penal provisions ranging from three years' imprisonment to life termfor a person who commits sexual harassment, sexual assault, penetrative sexual assault or aggravated penetrative sexual assault. This is...

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Rise in natural resources prices appears to be hurting poor nations-UN report

-The United Nations A sustained rise in prices for raw natural resources and basic agricultural goods is defying long-standing patterns and appears to be hurting poor nations through rising food and fuel costs more than it is helping them through higher revenues for their commodities exports.   That was one of the findings of the Commodities and Development Report 2012, a study launched at the 13th session of the UN Conference on Trade...

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Global food prices on the rise again: World Bank

-Reuters Latest World Bank food price index showed the cost of food rose 8% between December and March Global food prices are rising again, pushed higher by costlier oil, strong demand from Asia and bad weather in parts of Europe, South America and the United States, the World Bank said on Wed nesday. The latest World Bank food price index showed the cost of food rose 8% between December and March. In the...

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