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Madhya Pradesh: Many Farmers commit suicide over crop failure -Anup Dutta

-India Today Failure of crops and debt are wreaking havoc in the lives of Farmers of Madhya Pradesh. In the last two weeks, there has been a sudden spurt in the number of suicides committed by the debt-ridden Farmers in Bhopal, Sehore, Damoh, Tikamgarh, Chhattarpur, Bhind, Sagar, Ashok Nagar, Guna and Betul districts. Since March 1, nearly two dozen Farmers committed suicide in the state; in the last 72 hours two...

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Farming happiness

-The Hindu Business Line The focus of land reforms should change from ceilings to minimum size A significant 72 per cent of Farmers ‘like' farming as a profession, according to a recent nationwide survey conducted by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS). This is greater than the 60 per cent figure reported in an official 2003 National Sample Survey round. True, the two surveys may not be entirely comparable...

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The poor without the benefits-Parkash Chander

-The Hindu Restricting the price subsidy to coarse grains alone will not only work better from both fiscal and equity points of view but also weaken the incentives for graft The National Food Security Act (NFSA), passed recently by Parliament, offers 5 kg per person a month of cereals at highly subsidised prices to more than the bottom two-thirds of the population. It has been rightly hailed as the largest welfare programme...

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Sowing a loss -Pratik Kanjilal

-The Financial Express The urgent need to end world hunger appears to have promoted superfood crops at the expense of nutritional diversity Finally, we know why India is facing a spurt in diet-linked lifestyle disorders while it continues to struggle to feed the hungry. The paradox is seen in several developing economies, the answer is easily hazarded but now, for the first time, a formal study by the International Centre for Tropical...

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Rs 200 Cr Relief by Maharastha Govt Staff to Farmers

-Outlook Mumbai: Maharashtra government staff would contribute their one day's salary towards relief for hailstorm-affected Farmers. The amount would be around Rs 200 crore and would be contributed by the around 15 lakh staff, G D Kulthe, chief advisor of Maharashtra State Gazetted Officer Federation, said. Unseasonal rains, accompanied by severe hailstorms have left at least 28 people dead and over 100 others injured across Maharashtra in the past 10 days, officials said. Several...

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