Total Matching Records found : 5869

UPA 2 report card: Sustained improvement in disease control programmes

Sustained improvement in disease control programmes, specially tuberculosis, and perceptible improvement in rural health care are the highlights of the UPA-II's report card in the health sector. In the 'Report to the People' released here today by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the government said, during 2009-10, more than 36,000 village health and sanitation committees were set up, over 1,300 facility-based Rogi Kalyan Samitis were formed and over 53,000 accredited social...

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The ugly side of land acquisition in India

"India lives in several centuries at the same time. Somehow we manage to progress and regress simultaneously." Arundhati Roy Controversies, protests and violence have marred land acquisition for projects in India. Protests against acquiring agricultural land, inappropriate compensation or environmental impact have been the main reasons for these protests. In most cases, the protests are by farmers who are hardly compensated after their fertile agricultural land is taken over in for...

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PM's climate council clears water mission

The Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change has given an in-principle clearance to the long pending National Water Mission — one of the eight missions planned under the National Action Plan on Climate Change. As a first step under the plan, the council has agreed that all the data on water should be put in the public domain to help mobilise better action on water conservation and augmentation. The PM,...

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Why Posco is in trouble in India

Posco, the world's fourth largest steel maker, was in January ranked among a global list of 100 companies that will last for the next 100 years. Interestingly, governance, transparency and capacity to handle environment-related issues are taken into account in selecting these 100 companies "Posco will not only last the next 100 years, but will go beyond, and India will play a big part in our story of survival and growth", CK...

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Factories to contribute more to national income than farmers by Surabhi

ON May 31, when the government announces GDP numbers for 2009-10, for the first time, factories would contribute more to the national income than the country’s farmers, marking a significant shift in the structure of the India economy. That does not, however, diminish the importance of the farm, fisheries and the forest sector because of the disproportionately high percentage of people still engaged in these activities. Neither does it take...

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