Over 9,000 complaints - ranging from denial of admission in various city schools to flouting of the Right to Education Act by the institutes - have flooded Delhi's child Rights body. According to Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights' (DCPCR) chairperson Amod Kanth, the body has already disposed of around 1,000 such complaints but around 8,000 of them are still pending before the body's special RTE cell. The RTE act came...
Farmers' support vital for food security: Swaminathan
Farmers' wholehearted support and their economic wellbeing are vital for creating a sustainable food security system in the country, according to eminent agriculture scientist M.S. Swaminathan. Wrapping up a session on food and nutrition security, held as part of a three-day conference on hunger and poverty here on Monday, he said those who expressed their views on the proposed national food security law should keep in mind the plight of farmers,...
More »“Let not grains rot in godowns while millions cry for food”
Food Rights activists demand universalisation and decentralisation of PDS A large number of food Rights activists staged a protest outside the godown of the Food Corporation of India in Rourkela on Sunday demanding equitable distribution of food grains and universalisation and decentralisation of the public distribution system (PDS). More than 1,500 activists, academicians and those involved in various people's movements participated in the agitation against the rotting of food grains in...
More »State of the Nation: Govt preferred over Naxals by Rupashree Nanda
Residents of India's worst Naxal-affected states want development and if forced 10 times the number of people will prefer Government over Naxalites. These are the stunning findings of the first-ever opinion poll of people living in India's Naxal-infested areas. The extensive opinion poll conducted in seven of India's worst Naxal affected states has thrown up some myth-shattering findings. Commissioned by CNN-IBN and The Week the findings establish that people living in...
More »Forest Rights Act losing steam as officials play with rules by Mahim Pratap Singh
The implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act in Madhya Pradesh faces a host of problems due to a strange interpretation of the Act by the Forest Department. While the department's opposition to the Act is no secret — several petitions have been filed against it in the Supreme Court by retired forest officials or organisations run by them — new information obtained...
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