Forty-eight thousand farmers, members of twelve hundred co-operative credit societies in Kolhapur district, are up in arms against the National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) which has asked the Kolhapur district central co-operative bank (KDCC) to recover loans that have already been waived under the union government’s loan waiver scheme four years ago. In a rally held on Saturday, the farmers decided to resort to a massive agitation against...
Met predicts El Nino trouble for monsoon-Sanjeeb Mukherjee
The dreaded El Niño weather phenomenon is set to appear during the second half of the southwest monsoon, which may cause less-than-expected rains in August and September. El Niño had earlier hit the Indian monsoon in 2009, when the country faced a severe drought. This time, its impact is not clear as of now, but if there are excessive breaks in the monsoon, crops of paddy, oilseeds and pulses could...
More »Oil companies, state govts step in to douse petrol fire-Anupama Airy & Aurangzeb Naqshbandi
A day after the steepest ever petrol price hike of Rs. 7.54 sparked protests by UPA allies and Opposition parties in several parts of the country on Thursday, there were strong indications that the government would cushion the blow for the common man. Petrol prices may come down by Rs. 3-4 a litre in the next few days as state governments readied plans to slash local taxes and oil companies...
Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar’s statement in Parliament that the Government plans to shift subsidies from chemical fertilizers to organic manures has finally earned him some admiration from grassroots organisations working with small and marginal farmers in the country’s vast dry-lands. Pawar’s statement, if translated into policy action, may go a long way in improving the condition of some of India’s poorest farmers in the rain-fed areas which account for...
More »No role for govt in land acquisition-Liz Mathew & Elizabeth Roche
Cabinet clears change in divorce law: Women to get part of husband’s property In a move that could be a setback to land acquisition for commercial use, a parliamentary committee unanimously recommended that the government should not acquire land for industrial, commercial or for-profit enterprises or private companies. Instead, the panel, which has proposed legislation favouring landowners, recommends that private companies and public-private partnerships would have to buy land in the open...
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