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Anna Hazare and Gandhi by Prabhat Patnaik

To call Anna Hazare the 21st-century Gandhi, as some have started doing, is pure hyperbole, but many would see a similarity in their methods — in particular, in their resorting to fasts to achieve their objectives. This, however, is erroneous. Indeed, the fact that so many people consider Anna Hazare’s method to be similar to Gandhiji’s only indicates how little contemporary India remembers or understands Gandhiji. Gandhiji undertook 17 fasts in...

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A Bill to settle a terrible debt by Siddharth Varadarajan

For decades, the victims of communal and targeted violence have been denied protections of law that the rest of us take for granted. It's time to end this injustice. In a vibrant and mature democracy, there would be no need to have special laws to prosecute the powerful or protect the weak. If a crime takes place, the law would simply take its course. In a country like ours, however, life...

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NAC to finalise Food Security Bill draft today by Smita Gupta

It will also discuss Communal Violence Bill and condition of endangered Jarawa tribals BJP and other right wing groups are against the use of word ‘minority' in Communal Violence Bill The Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) hopes to finalise its Working Group's draft of the Food Security Bill, take the discussion on its Communal Violence (CV) Bill draft further and hold a discussion on the plight of Jarawas in the Andaman...

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Government draft on Lokpal Bill excludes PM by K Balchand

Talks fail; Hazare threatens fast from August 16 The Joint Drafting Committee on the Lokpal Bill ended its deliberations on Tuesday without a common text, and the government has decided to go ahead with its plan of consulting political parties and Chief Ministers on the two different versions before getting the Cabinet to clear a final draft. Expressing “deep disappointment” at what it said was the government's watered down version of a...

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Lokpal Bill panel to resolve differences at all-party meet by K Balchand

Both sides are reluctant to budge on contentious issues Reluctant to budge from their views, the government representatives and civil society members of the Joint Drafting Committee on the Lokpal Bill decided on Monday to leave the differences to be resolved at the next stage of wider consultations with political parties. The government has decided to call an all-party meeting in July to elicit their opinion on the draft Bill and...

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